10 Things I’ve learned in Peru

1. Peruvians are very proud of their heritage. The country has had a tumultuous past, but people are so proud to be from Lima (they are called limeños) or from Cuzco or wherever they live. They celebrate their culture through art, music, dance, textiles, etc and are excited to talk about it. Their independence days…

Peruvian Adventures

Greetings from Lima, Peru! I’m Michelle Long, an EHS student in Environmental Quality and Health doing my internship at DIGESA in Lima, Peru. DIGESA is a sector of the Ministry of Health here that deals with envionmental issues, primarily water and food samples. I will write another blog post about my internship work, but for…


Hello! This is Michelle in Lima, Peru working for DIGESA, or the Directory of Environmental Health as part of the Ministry of Health in Peru. DIGESA processes water and food samples from around Lima for contamination. I’m working on the ” Gastric Cancer and Helicobacter pylori infection in Lima, Peru: The role of water contamination”…